About Us

The 10,000 Steps Program is a free, evidence-based multi-strategy behaviour change program that supports people to increase their awareness and participation in physical activity by tracking steps, setting goals, and finding ways to be active as a part of their everyday lives. We provide a range of strategies and resources for workplaces and communities to support their employees or community members to live active and healthy lives. The Program is delivered via an interactive web and mobile apps (iOS and Android) with email and phone support from project researchers based at CQUniversity.

The 10,000 Steps Program is delivered by CQUniversity and funded by Health and Wellbeing Queensland, Queensland Government, and Preventive Health SA, Government of South Australia.

Program About Us
Our Program
The 10,000 Steps program's purpose is to encourage Australians to move more throughout their daily lives by making active choices and tracking activity.
Our Impact
Discover the positive impact our Program has had on the health of individuals, workplaces and communities over more than 20 years.
About-Us-Our-Research-Web (1)
Our Research
The Program's evolution, development, and adaptability are guided by ongoing evaluation and evidence-based research. Explore our range of research papers and working papers published by the 10,000 Steps Team.

Who We Are

Funded by Health and Wellbeing Queensland and Preventive Health SA, the 10,000 Steps Program is facilitated by the team at CQUniversity’s Physical Activity Research Group who coordinates the dissemination of the program. The team supports individuals, workplaces, and communities around Queensland, South Australia and beyond to incorporate more movement into their daily activity through the use of the Program's website 10000steps.org.au, mobile app and resources.

We take pride in the fact that, as of 2023, our team members have together contributed their passion and expertise to 10,000 steps for over 74 years, building an extensive knowledge base and fostering a collaborative and positive workplace culture.
Our Team
Meet our small and dedicated team who are based out of CQUniversity Australia and live across Queensland in Rockhampton, Cairns, Sunshine Coast, and the Gold Coast.
Our Partners
Find out more about our partners and how their free health programs can support you.

What We Do

The purpose of the 10,000 Steps Program is to support inactive people to increase their skills, confidence, and motivation to develop sustainable, active habits that improve their physical and mental wellbeing. More than 40% of adults are not meeting recommended physical activity guidelines, leading to chronic disease and other health problems. The 10,000 Steps Program exists to support these people to increase their awareness and participation in physical activity.


We empower individuals to be motivated, accountable and supported to make positive physical activity changes and be active every day. Our platforms support individuals to monitor and track their steps, set goals, join Monthly Challenges, or team up in Health Challenges or Tournaments with their friends, workplaces or communities.


10,000 Steps provides resources, tools, and engagement activities so that workplaces and communities can nurture social and physical environments that are conducive to being active and foster healthy people and healthy places. We support workplaces through changes in workplace environments, policies, culture change, and delivery of engaging activities like Team Tournaments. We build capacity for Councils and community organisations to promote physical activity and walking by creating supportive environments and delivery of engaging activities like Health Challenges that connect people to their community.

Our Engagement

Given the complex nature of physical activity promotion and the varied 10,000 Steps strategies, feedback is valued in understanding the influence that engagement with the program can have on settings and systems to support capacity and opportunities for being more active. Some ways in which the Program team achieve this include:

  • Influencing policies and strategies
  • Encouraging and supporting stakeholder collaboration
  • Increasing capacity, cultural change and opportunities for being more active
  • Encourage infrastructure activation and motivation to use supportive environments

At a glance

The 10,000 Steps Program began in 2001 and has now celebrated 23 years! As at June 2024, our program has achieved: 

  • 670,000+ members registered
  • 415+ billion steps logged on the 10,000 Steps applications
  • 11 million* website sessions and 65.7 million* page views
  • 726,658 downloads of the 10,000 Steps mobile app
  • 20,000+ Organisations registered of all sizes and from a range of industries
  • 11,518 Tournaments started 
  • 68,524 teams comprised of 432,000+ individuals
  • 160+ million Tournament steps logged
For more information, take a look at our Program Achievements.

*Source: Uptake (2011-2024)

What Our Members Say

Recently 10,000 Steps asked our users their thoughts on the Program.

Who is that in the picture?

In September 2019 I looked at a picture of my beautiful daughter's wedding and was shocked at what I looked like. I wore size 44 pants and XXXXL shirt size, weighed 115kg and had four chins. At that moment I changed my mind-set. I began walking a little each day and counting my calories everyday. I started using the 10,000 Steps app at the beginning of 2021 in January and set a goal of 7 million steps by the end of 2021. I broke down each day what I needed to accomplish. I accomplished the goal and went further and finally finished with 7,504,499. I now weigh 84kg. I wear size 32 pants and large shirts, and blood pressure is perfect for a 60 year old and resting pulse is down to 54.

- David K, Queensland

Motivation for Transformation

The 10,000 Steps Challenges for me have been a motivation - transformation - for my fitness levels. Along with me, my daughter Alice is nearly 6 months old , and we are both exercising together getting stronger every day. Not only keeping fit, but also losing a few pounds up to Christmas. It has really been enjoyable and rewarding for the both of us. We have been enjoying creek walks and the fresh air and sunshine. Thank you to the 10,000 Steps Challenges for the extra motivation, these have helped us stay above 10,000 steps a day!

- Kate L, South Australia

Member Stories

Read more stories shared throughout the years by our members