Funded by the Queensland Government and delivered by CQUniversity, the 10,000 Steps program ran two rounds of community grants in 2017 and 2018 to support Queensland organisations to promote physical activity within their local communities through the implementation of established 10,000 Steps strategies. The 10,000 Steps team provided resources to assist the community organisations to implement their strategies and supported them along the way!
2017 Community Grants
In 2017, the 10,000 Steps team awarded grants to nine grants to Queensland organisations including Bell State School, Boulia Shire Council, Burdekin Shire Council, Charters Towers Regional Council, Livingstone Shire Council, Queensland Walks, Rockhampton Regional Council and Western Downs Regional Council. These organisations were located across eight Council areas in regional Queensland.
The successful organisations wanted to promote, encourage and support their community members and visitors to be healthy and active. The strategies funded included, four community wide 10,000 Steps Tournaments and the update/installation of 10,000 Steps Walkway Signage across five regions.

“The new signage has greatly increased the local community’s awareness of how easy it is to park the car, and walk to a variety of locations within the Yeppoon Central Business District.”
2018 Community Grants
In 2018, the 10,000 Steps team awarded grants to 12 Queensland organisations including Rockhampton Regional Council, Charters Towers Regional Council, Bundaberg Regional Council, Mackay Regional Council, Mackay Hospital and Health Service, Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Steps for Schools Mackay, Australian Catholic University, Apunipima Cape York Health Council, Bulloo Shire Council and Queensland Country Womens Association. These organisations were located across 17 different Queensland Council areas.
The organisations had a range of objectives which centred around encouraging awareness of their local walking trails, increasing pathway connectivity throughout their communities and encouraging more movement as a part of a healthy lifestyle. The 10,000 Steps strategies that were funded included 5 community wide 10,000 Steps Tournaments, 3 organisations updated their Dog Walking Strategy resources and 6 organisations updated or installed 10,000 Steps Walkway Signage in their regions.

““Walking is an accessible and affordable means of physical activity. The concept of 10,000 steps is well known and understood by the general population as a measure of achievable physical activity and is easily identifiable. The program offers an opportunity to educate individuals as to the potential of integrating activity within their everyday lives and tasks.””