Heart Foundation Walking is Australia’s largest FREE walking network. It is a social, fun and easy way for people to walk and be active. With more than one in four Australian adults (5.76 million people) doing very little or no exercise at all, Heart Foundation Walking is a great way to help people increase their physical activity.
Heart Foundation Walking is designed to help people enjoy
regular physical activity. Although we encourage everyone to walk on a regular
basis, we’ve designed Heart Foundation Walking to be a group program i.e.
walking in a community groups or part of a virtual group because walking in an
organised group gives extra benefits.
Benefits of Heart Foundation Walking
- Increases your enjoyment. Many walkers tell us the social contact is what keeps them coming back year after year. Most groups also organise an occasional special walk or other social events to make being active even more fun.
- Helps you stay motivated. It’s easy to say, I’ll give my walk a miss today. However, knowing there is a group of people waiting for you can provide that extra motivation needed to get out the door.
- Keeps you committed. Many people find their enthusiasm for being active wanes after only a few months, especially if they experience an injury or illness. By being part of a group, you are more likely to make a commitment to walking regularly.
- Is a safe way to exercise. Walking in a group makes you more visible to motorists and cyclists, and ensures help is at hand should you have an accident or become ill while walking.
More Great Reasons
As well as the health benefits and social aspect of regular group walking, Heart Foundation Walking participants can look forward to:
Our regular Heart Foundation Walking newsletter
This includes updates on the program, information about physical activity and heart health, healthy recipes and news from groups all around Australia. The newsletter is distributed through our Walk Organisers, so if your group has a special occasion or event, please feel free to send us a short article and photo.
Ongoing rewards for participation
To encourage you and your group members to walk regularly, Heart Foundation Walking includes a Walker Recognition Scheme. At certain walking milestones, we’ll reward you with certificates, incentives and discounts on Heart Foundation merchandise – why not celebrate your success with a certificate presentation and a healthy morning tea?
For more information about Heart Foundation Walking download the Heart Foundation Walking: An Introduction document below. To join a walking group or start one in your local area, visit the Heart Foundation Walking website or call 1300 36 27 87 (cost of a local call).

Heart Foundation Walking is funded nationally by the Medibank Community Fund. It is also proudly funded by the Queensland Government and the ACT Government through ACT Health.