Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service
Mackay Hospital and Health Service
The challenge is on!

Hospital and Health Service Health Challenge
Mackay Hospital and Health Service's Let's Shape Up campaign has challenged the CQ Hospital and Health Service's 10,000 Lives campaign to see who can collectively achieve the most weight and waist girth loss.
This Challenge is about celebrating the goals of participants who are aiming to lead a healthier lifestyle one step at a time.
#10000lives #10000livesCQ #inspireyourtribe #10000steps #everystepcounts
How does the Challenge work?
In the Health Measures section, select which Health Challenge you would like to join: CQ Hospital and Health Service, Mackay Hospital and Health Service or Other. Both new and existing members can join the Challenge from the Health Measures section.
Then set your goals, log your daily steps and weekly weight and waist girth and your totals will automatically contribute. Visit this page regularly to see which Health Service is closest to the 10,000 challenges!
N.B. None of your individual measures can be viewed by other participants. Only the totals of all participants are shown.
How can I be involved?
The Health Challenge is now finished. Stay tuned for information about further Health Challenges.
Choose your challenge team

CQ Hospital and Health Service

Mackay Hospital and Health Service
The Challenge Progress
To celebrate achievements of participants in each area and to encourage healthy competition between the two Health Services, the following will update the progress from the start of the Health Challenge on June 18th 2018 until the end on 5th October 2018.
The Health Challenge is now finished and no further updates will occur.
Challenge Team Leaderboard
Rank | Name | Weight Loss (kg) | Waist Girth Loss (cm) | Total Steps | Average Steps |
1 |
Mackay Hospital and Health Service
205.2 | 180.9 | 152,627,430 | 380,617 |
2 |
CQ Hospital and Health Service
182.4 | 166.8 | 86,436,592 | 249,096 |
External links
For more information on healthy weight loss and healthy lifestyles visit:
- Healthier. Happier.
- My health for life
- Healthy Weight Guide
- Achieve a Healthy Weight (Heart Foundation)
- How do you measure up? (Cancer Council)
- Quitline
Share your progress!
Share your photos and let us know about your progress by using the Challenge hashtags #10000lives #10000livesCQ #inspireyourtribe #10000steps #everystepcounts
Tag us on Facebook (@10000Steps.1, @cqhealth, @mackayhhs) and Twitter (@10000Step_, @mackayhhs).

Case Study
The Health Challenge feature was originally developed for two Queensland Hospital and Health Services looking to encourage healthy lifestyles in their community. However, it can be adapted to be used between other Health Services, communities or large organisations looking to do a healthy lifestyles intervention.
For more information on how it was originally implemented view the 2018 Health Challenge Case Study.