2017 Community Grant: Burdekin Shire Council

Strategy: Community Tournament

Burdekin Shire Council was one of nine 10,000 Steps Community Grant recipients awarded funding for the implementation of 10,000 Steps Community Strategies in 2017. The Burdekin Shire Council is hoping that the Community Tournament will encourage the local residents to become more fit and healthy and adopt healthy lifestyle behaviours by participating in regular physical activity to increase their daily number of steps.


Burdekin Shire Council is a local government who wants to foster an ongoing healthy lifestyle change both through the Tournament, but also long after the 6 week tournament has ended.

Community Grant Case Studies - Burdekin  - Blat


  • Conducted a 6 week Time Out Tournament.
  • The Tournament was promoted via email and Facebook to all Sport and Recreation groups as well as schools, businesses and community groups.
  • Weekly emails were sent to all participants to help keep them motivated and on track with registering their steps on the website.


  • 210 community members participated as a part of 10 teams.
  • Winners of the Tournament were announced in the local paper.
  • The Tournament encouraged people to become more physically active and their was noticeably more people utilising the walking trails.
  • Participants were made aware of how little steps they were doing before the start of the Tournament, most have now increase their step count substantially.
“Most participants have said that they now walk each day to try and reach their 10,000 Steps a day. There has definitely been an increase in community members using the various walking trails.”
2017 Community Grant: Burdekin Shire Council
Download the 2017 Community Grant: Burdekin Shire Council Case Study PDF to learn more about the renewal of 10,000 Steps Walkway Signage.