The Activate Your Everyday Video Series

A series of videos to support your physical activity journey through all stages of adult life, presented by CQUniversity's Physical Activity Research Group and partners.

What Physical Activity Is Right For Me?
with Associate Professor Rob Stanton
Physical Activity Trackers
with Professor Corneel Vandelanotte
Physical Activity During Pregnancy
with Associate Professor Melanie Hayman
Tips for Being Active With Kids
with Dr. Stephanie Schoeppe
Parallel Participation
with Dr. Danya Hodgetts
Motivation and Physical Activity
with Associate Professor Amanda Rebar
It's Never Too Late to Start
with Dr. Stephanie Alley
Starting or Returning to Physical Activity
with Dr. Thomas Doering
Simple Steps to Healthier Eating
with Dr. Saman Khalesi

The Activate Your Everyday Series is proudly supported by the Queensland Government and Health and Wellbeing Queensland through ActiveKIT Round 2
