As young people move through school, start work and become more independent, being physically active and limiting sedentary behaviour every day is not always easy, but it is possible and it is important. These guidelines are for all young people, irrespective of cultural background, gender or ability.

Physical Activity Recommendations
- For health benefits, young people aged 13–17 years should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day.
- Young peoples’ physical activity should include a variety of aerobic activities, including some vigorous intensity activity.
- On at least three days per week, young people should engage in activities that strengthen muscle and bone.
- To achieve additional health benefits, young people should engage in more activity, up to several hours per day.
Sedentary Behaviour Recommendations
To reduce health risks, young people aged 13–17 years should minimise the time they spend being sedentary every day. To achieve this:
- Limit use of electronic media for entertainment (e.g. television, seated electronic games and computer use) to no more than two hours a day. Lower levels are associated with reduced health risks.
- Break up long periods of sitting as often as possible.