First Steps to Better Health

The goal of the 10,000 Steps program is to help you include more movement as part of your everyday life. If you are already regularly active, focus on maintaining your existing habit and continuing to pursue activities which you enjoy. If you haven't been active for a while, now is the time to start by incorporating more activity in simple ways each day. Remember that every step and minute and activity counts and contributes to a healthier mind and body.

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Start Small

Setting realistic and manageable goals that will make you feel better physically and mentally. This could be something specific and measurable, like taking a short 10 minute walk every day, making an effort to take the stairs instead of the elevator, going for a swim once a week or setting an alarm and getting up from your desk every hour. Small changes do add up over time, the best place to start is where you are right now.

Slowly Increase

We encourage you to monitor your steps and activity and set your own goal based on your current activity level. If you are able to easily maintain your goal, then challenge yourself to gradually increase your goal and make an effort to meet it as often as you can. Reward yourself for reaching your goal in healthy ways, like buying yourself a new pair of shoes or taking a relaxing bath.

Plan your Activity

Plan how you intend of incorporating more organised activity into your day to ensure you are on track to fulfil the commitment you have made to yourself. Look at your current routine and schedule in time for a walk, exercise class, gym, sport, cycle or whichever way you choose to move. Block out this time in your calendar or set an alarm to ensure you remember. Be flexible and have a few options in case the weather or plans change.

Enjoy your Movement

Your body is meant to move and it has a great ability to do so in many different ways. Find an activity which you enjoy and ask your family and friends to join you. It can double as movement, plus a catch up and you can reach your activity goal without even realising it.

Talk with your GP or Allied Health Professional

If you are looking to increase your physical activity, it is always important to talk with your GP or allied health professionals. They will be able to provide you with the support and guidance on setting goals and taking the first steps that are personalised for you. If you need help to find an Exercise Professional near you, visit Exercise Right.

If you are a health professional yourself, encourage your clients to sign up to 10,000 Steps and start tracking their steps. Use our one page Flyer for Individuals below to send your patient home with additional information.

Flyer for Individuals
Print our one page Individual Flyer in A4 or A5 size to encourage your patients or clients to sign up with the Program.
Motivation Tips_Blog
Motivation Tips
To maintain motivation to be active, set clear, achievable goals, track your progress to help you see results. Vary your activities, make them enjoyable and find a friend to be active with to help keep you accountable.
Counting Your Steps
The step goal of 10,000 is the recommended daily step target for healthy adults, but it might not be right for you! Depending on your current activity level, we recommend that you monitor your own activity to set your own specific goal.
Being Active at Home_Blog
Being Active at Home
Taking opportunities to move more in and around your house each day is an easy way to boost your daily step count. Being active in and around your home is convenient, free and comfortable. Find out more on how to be active at home!