Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

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Hi there,--Well as of

“Hi there, Well as of this week with a couple of the girls at work we have joined this website and are walking, walking, walking!! I am averaging 15 - 16000 a day (on weekdays) and am hoping I start to lose weight very very soon.. any ideas on how long you need to walk for to start losing weight i.e. 2 weeks, 4 weeks etc.. thanks Jules”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 16 May 2007

Hi all,-I had been

“Hi all, I had been watching this site for a while but never felt inspired enough to join. Then, one day, I decided it was time. I must admit I started off rather half heartedly, not really achieving much, but in the second month, I picked up the pace a bit, and now, by joining in one of the i-challenges, I am really making up for lost time. I now walk to and from work, walk my son to school every day, walk to the shops with my wife(the long way!), walk to soccer training when I can, and go for a jog in the morning when I can. I have just bought an exercise bike that I use when I'm watching a bit of tv - I'm doing anything I can to get the step count up! In this time I have also cut out any alcohol that I used to have during the week. I've only lost 2kg but feel I am definitely toning up and feel inspired to keep going. Gavin”
Anonymous, South Australia, 16 May 2007

I posted before on

“I posted before on 8th January 2007 I have remained quit from smoking - on the 5th May it will be 4 months. This is from someone who could never leave the house without having a packet or two on her. I have kept up with the steps program and average 12,752 per day. I have not lost any weight, but I have not gained any either and with quitting smoking that is amazing. I now have a friend at work - we check each others progress - she is doing really well and has lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of health. I also have another friend - who has started walking with me in the evenings. Never want to go back to mooning around with a cigarette in my mouth. 10,000 STEPS is a much better option. AMD”
Anonymous, Northern Territory, 3 May 2007

Dave, I have never

“Dave, I have never met you, but you and I have been neck and neck since you signed up a day after me. Stay with me! You can do it! ST”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 1 May 2007

May 1st, 2007.--Goodaye,--I can't

“May 1st, 2007. Goodaye, I can't believe I have been doing these challenges all of this year my pedometer feels like a part of me now and I hate to take it of to sleep thinking I might gain a few more steps in my sleep. My two walking buddies keep me on my toes one in particular has a diabetes problem and walking keeps her sugar down so even on rainy days she is on her treadmill. I do look forward to seeing just how many steps she has managed each day. I bushwalk Line Dance and play tennis plus walk with a group through the week from the heart foundation. I only hope I am not using up all my heart beats too soon bringing my number forward as I enjoy each day so much and look forward to everything that's thrown my way. So all you out there find the funny side of life and enjoy every moment. Bye Dianne W”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 1 May 2007

Hi All-I have passed

“Hi All I have passed another milestone of 4,000,000 steps. Through all the ups and downs this site is the thing that keeps me walking. I'm not out to lose weight but rather to stay stable, I would like to be a little fitter. If I have a bad month I look at the next months I-Challenge and feel motivated. Thanks for a great site.”
Wendy, New South Wales, 28 Apr 2007

Good on you, Bronwen!-I

“Good on you, Bronwen! I hope to be as active as you at 77. You're an inspiration. ST ”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 28 Apr 2007

Hi All-I started 10,000

“Hi All I started 10,000 steps on the 1st of March 2007, when I discovered the 10,000 steps pedometer. (after breaking 2 others). I have never looked back and do not wish to. I commenced my weight loss journey in July 2006 with an unhealthy weight of 96.7kg, I am now 65.8kg and still going. I have never walked so far in my life, but in saying that, I have never enjoyed a process more. It is easy, it is social, and it is so encouraging. I walk the banks of the Yarra each day in my lunch break, and to see the amount of people out there, you are never alone in your journey. I even did the Run for the Kids (3.4k walk) in Melbourne this year, and am planning to do the 15k walk/run next year, something I would have never contemplated doing previously. I now feel so good, so positive and much healthier. The compliments I receive from my friends and work mates are terrific and so encouraging. Reading others stories are inspiring, and can only help to spur me on. So keep on trekk'n Pat”
Anonymous, Victoria, 26 Apr 2007

Hi everyone,--I've just been

“Hi everyone, I've just been reading up on the achievments and benefits of the 10,000 step chalenges and it sounds great. Ive been wanting to shed a bit of weight for ages but have never gotten around to doing it. All the storys and experiences on the website are so inspiring and i hope everyone is getting what they want out of it. Good luck to everyone and i'll see how I go. New girl”
Anonymous, Victoria, 20 Apr 2007

I started 3 months

“I started 3 months ago and I lost 40lbs walking 10K a day and watching my diet. ”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 18 Apr 2007

Hi everyone,--I joined 10

“Hi everyone, I joined 10 000 steps last year, lost some weight and put it back on again. My youngest sister had recommended it to me. This year in January 2007, I seriously decided to really change my eating habits, exercise daily, and have been slowly increasing my goal steps, which are now at 11000. My little sister - has lost 11kg since January, and is such an inspiration to me. I have lost 2.5kg and have about 4 or 5 to go. My other sister has joined and we are in fierce competition between each other, and my husband who has now lost two pedometers, who is wonderful and always walks with me, has just bought another one. He beat me by 4000 on his first day! My parents are thinking of joining now, which would be so good for them, to move more, and this healthy competition between us is helping us to all achieve our goals. Thank you for this site, for the support and inspiration it provides... Must get stepping so I can beat my husband at least one day this week! Deb : )”
deb, Queensland, 18 Apr 2007

16th April 2007--Hello everyone,

“16th April 2007 Hello everyone, Just joined the challenge last week and have got a program up and running at work to encourage a few others. I love this site because I can convert my cycling and jogging to steps as well. It will keep me motivated and encouraged. It's great to see the number of steps climbing each day. I'll keep in touch. Helen”
Anonymous, Victoria, 16 Apr 2007

Hi to all you

“Hi to all you 10000 steppers, I started on the 01 Feb 07 and reached 1,000,000 steps on 13 Apr 07. I thought that it would take ages (being over 65), but to my suprise it wasn't too hard. For those of you having problems in trying to complete the daily program, try to vary the routine by doing other activities such as a 30 minute bike ride or swimming for 30 minutes, You'll be suprised how the steps will mount up!! A couple of days I did some bike riding, I accumulated nearly 40000 steps, so take heart!! PC49 PS With the colder weather coming on I intend to move indoors for Swimming and indoor walking areas and possibly some time doing weights!”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 16 Apr 2007

Hi walkers,-I started on

“Hi walkers, I started on the 1/1/2007 and have made my 1,000,000 steps in three months. My health and energy have improved. I still have to get my waist measurement down to 80 centimetres as that is important when you have diabetes. I have 4 centimetes to go and 2 kilos. My BMI will then be 24. I have been slacking this month because the challenge didn't contain a distance to walk so instead of doing an average of 11500 have gone back to around 7000. I will have to get back on track this week. I appear to be the only walker over 75, I will soon be 77 so I guess I am not doing too bad for my age. I have been telling family and friends about the site and how it has helped me. Bronwen”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 15 Apr 2007

Hello to everyone.--I've just

“Hello to everyone. I've just joined today, but for a different reason at the moment. I'm 29 weeks pregnant and just lost my job when they found out. I have wanted a little baby for 3 years now, so rather sitting at home being bored, i'm going to walk and stay fit and healthy for my little boy. I've joined a walking group in my area and that keeps me motivated. In 3 months just after he is born, i'll join parents with prams and hopefully lose all my baby weight and have enough energy to look after him. Thanks to everyone for their stories and good luck. Beck”
Anonymous, Queensland, 13 Apr 2007

Hi there everyone,--I started

“Hi there everyone, I started this in January and have enjoyed the competition between our work teams. I too have a bit of a story to tell and at my heaviest was 117kgs. I lost 10 kgs 3 years ago then slipped into old habits again. Changing my way of eating 12 months ago has seen me now lose another 22 kilos and I am now 85. I dont eat pasta, rice, bread, potato or fruit and I don't eat anything fatty or sugary. I walk 12 klms a day Fri - Sun and swim 2.5 klms 6 days a week and some some free weights to tone things up. I never thought I could claim that I have a "six pack" but I certainly now do and I have gone from 3XL footy shorts to SMALL !!! I love walking on the week-end as I find it relaxing and refreshing. Good luck to everyone else. David. Brisbane. Australia.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 10 Apr 2007

Hi to all you

“Hi to all you 10000 steppers. I've just spent a fabulous Easter Weekend hiking in the Warrumbungle National Park NSW (near Coonabarabran). For added pleasure, my wife came with me!! I did the Belougre Spire and Breadknife Mountain walk (about 12km and also included the Maguire loop of 5km). This walk took about 8 hrs but included a picnic lunch stop and frequent stops to look at the local fauna. The actual walk rose about 500 metres and included lots of steps(1000) in the steeper sections!! For recovery after the walk on Sunday, I spent the day looking at the Siding Springs Observatory. As it turned out, this tour included climbing over the mountain top to look at the various telescopes dotted over the landscape entailing a walk of about 5kms but at a much gentler pace!! I've now set my sights on the fabulous hikes in the Canadian Rockies in July 07 to do the Valley of the Ten Peaks and Paradise Valley walk which includes Sentinel Pass. It is about 18 kms and estimated to take about 8 hrs. If you have access to the web check it out on and look for Hike # 117. There are also some walks in Australia indicated on the same web site. Cheers from PC49”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 10 Apr 2007

Hi all--I heard about

“Hi all I heard about the 10,000 steps from a colleague in another workplace and the stories of the individual and team challenges got me interested. I love the fact that you are not out there slogging it out by yourself but there are others, and that it is not a slog because of this fact, there are a whole pile of people who are succeeding at becoming healthier and happier, which is where I want to be. I am 38 and WILL lose weight I reached 125kg at my heaviest and am now 113kg. A recent relationship breakup has seen me look seriously at myself and see someone I didn't like very much, so considering I don't get a choice of going to another body I AM going to turn this one into something special and along the way I will change the way I have been looking at life and get back to the person that all my old friends remember, the nice warm, generous, loyal and strong guy. Not the depressed, low, morose, overweight and sad one that has been lurking around for the last few years !!! So Goodluck to everyone I am really happy to have a goal and this great idea to use to achieve ongoing health and happiness. I hope my story rings a bell for anyone else starting out like me and you get some inspiration from it. Lets go !!! Tal”
Anonymous, Queensland, 6 Apr 2007

Hello everyone!-My name is

“Hello everyone! My name is Fiona and I have found that 10,000 steps has helped me tremendously. I joined on 18th Nov. 2006 my weight was 104kg (the heaviest I have ever been). I found that this programme helped me to get off my butt (excuse the pun) I was encouraged to get more active with realistic goals and I found that it was easy to manage 10,000 steps. Rather than try to get to a gym 3 times a week. Last month I averaged 18,000 and I am now 95kg and feeling a lot better for it. I have also been encouraged by what people have shared about themselves. Also the lady who shared about lost pedometers and tying a string to your pedometer with a safety pin. Thankyou, I lost my first pedometer at the Supermarket, then I read your story and I haven't lost one since. I know it has saved me losing it dozens of times. So happy stepping Everyone, I would love to read Your story!”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 5 Apr 2007

Hello all you lovely

“Hello all you lovely walkers. It has been a while since I have written so here I am, still doing those wonderful steps and still enjoying it by challenging myself with the monthly challenges. I would really love to congratulate Vickie from California 4-4-07, fantastic keep going Vickie. Also the q-rail worker and karate instructor I really congratulate you I would like to hear from you if that is possible. So keep stepping everyone you are all wonderful Have a fantastic Easter and god bless you all Linda xx”
Linda, Queensland, 4 Apr 2007

Hello to Everyone all

“Hello to Everyone all over the first I wasn't going to share my story but after reading a few I decided to name is Vickie I am from Banning, California... in the United States.....I started the 10,000 steps when I started my weight loss journey in December of last year but did not find this site till February of this year.... I started at a weight of 267 lbs (pounds).... I am now at 207 pounds....and I average around 12,000 steps a day between work and let me tell you it does work...... and I eat healthy of course........ I switched to a healthier alternative of vegetables and fish....which seems to be working for me and it is very satisfying....... I wish all of you blessings and the hope of continued success.... Love from the states Vickie”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 4 Apr 2007

Whilst working for Qld

“Whilst working for Qld Rail I suffered a back injury in 2003. This stopped me from training in Martial Arts for three years. During this time I grew from fighting weight of 85kg's to 117kg's and closed my 4 karate schools. My health deteriorated and my social life decreased month to month. The prescription drugs also did their job as I could not see what I looked like nor did I care. Suffering from P.L.O.M or Poor Little Old Me I did not even listen to my wife something that will never happen again. It took a brave man to tell me in 2006 that I needed to change and when 10,00 steps was introduced to work I saw a way to be accountable to myself. Firstly 10,000 steps was a hard but achievable goal, now 25,000 steps is the norm. I EVEN RE-OPENED MY KARATE SCHOOL teaching not competing but still training. "what is written down can be measured and changed" The numbers never lie so be accountable to them and yourself. 3rd March 2006 117 kg 183 cm 34.94 104 cm 112 cm 0.93 108 bpm 30th May 2006 108 kg 183 cm 32.25 92 cm 95 cm 0.97 92 bpm 23rd August 2006 99 kg 183 cm 29.56 90 cm 92 cm 0.98 76 bpm 18th January 2007 89 kg 183 cm 26.58 88 cm 90 cm 0.98 60 bpm 28th February 2007 87 kg 183 cm 25.98 84 cm 90 cm 0.93 64 bpm One man, one journey and 30kg's lost {p.s I'm not looking for them either} "YOU ARE WORTH IT.......JUST DO IT" A,J,L,K ”
Anonymous, Queensland, 30 Mar 2007

Hi every one,--When my

“Hi every one, When my friend got me a pedometer over a month ago, it was the start of a life change for me. As a person who loves competition, I started from day one with over 10 000 steps! My goal from week one was to achieve 15 000 steps, now its 20 000!! I couldn't and still can't believe how easy it is to put on steps.. I started with a weight of 104 kgs, now I am weighing 94 and I am so happy and proud about it! Of course with the help of my wife I couldn't do it, esp. with the healthy low GI meals that she prepares every day.. I love this website and I 'll keep you informed of my progress.. hopefully I am aiming at 87 kgs before our wedding anniversary in June ( Hopefully before that..) Keep walking :) Belal :)”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 26 Mar 2007

Hi there again all

“Hi there again all you steppers,Tony g. here.It is great to hear how everybody finds the different ways that suit them,that enable each of them to achieve new goals,get fitter,help recuperate after surgery and so on. My fiance has just recently had shoulder surgery and suffers from a muscle disease called fibromialgia;a muscle wasting disease.The doctors have told she will probably end up in a wheelchair,but,she is a determined woman and tries to walk as much as possible. This gives me time to be with her,aid her if she gets tired or wobbly,and the bonus of keeping my own steps going.Due to these problems she has not been able to work for the last few years,and at times gets very frustrated with the world and herself,for not being able to do things she used to be able.This being extra bad considering that until the disease took hold she was a very active person. My fiance does not wear a pedometer and still gives me curry about continuing to wear mine, but now it is only in jest,as she can see it hurts no-one and keeps me setting goals.Just the fact that she has to put up with the suffering she does, allows me to continue with the challenges and keep enjoying this site and all it has to offer the average person. All the best ,keep on stepping people. tony.g.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 20 Mar 2007

Hi, my name is

“Hi, my name is Sue and I live in the United Kingdom. I LOVE walking :) in fact I find it very strange that I still find it hard to actually get out the door to do it! How weird, when I KNOW how much I get from it.. Went for a lovely walk in the rolling hills of North Hampshire this morning, so am pleased to say, have already achieved my 10,000 steps. Am loving this site, off to have a proper look round it. I look forward to sharing your sucesses :) Sue”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 18 Mar 2007

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