Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

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Hi - I am

“Hi - I am a very overweight 44 year old mum. Since having my children 10 years ago I have constantly put on weight - so much that I am now 45 kilos overweight. I am so sick of being big. I need to get more active so that I can be around to see my children grow and for my health and well being as well as my mind. I constantly feel uncomfortable and tired - enough is enough. This is the beginning of my new life. I am starting a new healthy lifestyle as of NOW. Thank you 10,000 steps and all of you other ladies out there - You are my motivation - if you all can do it - so can I. ”
Anonymous, Queensland, 27 Jul 2008

My name is Kate,

“My name is Kate, 41yrs old, unfit, unhealthy, overweight by around 10kilos, living between Gold Coast & Brisbane. I would like to not only lose weight but feel generally overall much better. I was working 70-80hrs a week 6 days, but just cut down to 5days. So yes on Tuesdays my day off I can really get into things. I bought a pedometer, walked 5kms on the treadmill and was horrified at how little exercise I get during working hrs (the pedometer steps barely moved). So on goes the pedometer every morning and now I find excuses at work to get up and away from my desk. I have even moved my printer so I have to now get off the chair (extra steps). I am doing my first 5km walk this Sunday at a local fun run. I have joined myself and 14yr daughter in for 10km walk Bridge to Brisbane in early September. Off to Fiji in early October so it is my goal to move some of this much unwanted weight by then. I have learnt that you are what you eat, I am an adult and I have the control over what I eat or drink. So this is why I am doing this for ME.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 24 Jul 2008

Good on you Pam

“Good on you Pam ,keep going, you will feel so much better if you do. I started in January 2007 and have just reached my 5,500,000 steps.I started at 80K and am now 70K and a size 14 .I have maintained that weight for many months . I turn 78 in a few weeks and between walking,dancing,gardening and working with weights at the gym I keep my diabetes in the normal range.I enjoy life even if 80 is looming up. I always wear my pedometer,it is like a second skin. I have never missed recording my steps. Bronwen”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 24 Jul 2008

Hi - I joined

“Hi - I joined a 10,000 step work health & wellbeing program to increase my fitness and hopefully lose weight. My husband and I now walk every morning before going to work and it has been great for both of us. I am already much fitter in just 3 weeks, and as an insulin dependent diabetic who did not do any regular exercise my husband's sugar levels were erratic but since starting the program he has been stable. A great reason to continue the program.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 16 Jul 2008

Two things I can't

“Two things I can't live without - my pedometer and The pedometer is like second skin and I've actually turned the car around to go back and pick it from home or a public restroom :) I joined April 22, 2007 and I'm working on 5 million steps. Blood pressure has fallen dramatically and so have my cholesterol levels. All of that is on the inside - I look pretty good on the outside too - lost "belly fat", weight and toned the legs. I'm the mother of 4 grown sons and 10 grandchildren. Thanks so much for your site. Toni Knoxville, TN USA”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 16 Jul 2008

I started on the

“I started on the 10,000 steps in January and 6 months later I'm still walking on this program.I'm well on the way to 3 million steps now and try to walk at least 12,000 steps a day although some days I walk less so I try to amke up other days with more steps. It's very motivating and I clip on my pedometer first thing each morning. Keep on stepping.It's fun, healthy and free.”
Anonymous, Western Australia, 10 Jul 2008

I joined 10,000 Steps

“I joined 10,000 Steps on the 25th June 2008, by encouragement of my friend Darren. He seemed so interested and so fit, compared to my status of being overweight. Darren guided me and convinced me to walk everyday and log my steps... thanks a lot to him. Rene”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 1 Jul 2008

Hi, I'm Pam.

“Hi, I'm Pam. I'm 74 and because I don't have a car, I walk everywhere. My weight has been stuck at 85 kilos forever, and when I got a new accelerator pedometer last week, I found out I wasn't as active as I thought I was. So I'm getting into action, and feel better already. Yesterday I did a 7KM early morning walk and worked out with a Walk It Off With George (Foreman) DVD. Checking in with the daily step count is making a difference, because I feel in control.....putting in the work. And the I-Challenge is great. Today I didn't quite make my target of 15,000 steps, but tomorrow's another day. I'm fed up with looking like a pregnant hippopotamus or a beached whale.... this time I'm committed to losing the flab and getting fit. Pam.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 1 Jul 2008

My story really begins

“My story really begins nineteen years ago when I was in the back seat of a car accident. Then was very physically fit which helped in re-learning walking and talking again. My weight has fluctuated since then in a gradual weight gain. Now not being as fit as when younger and driving about have included walking as a daily activity. Having just started this 10,000 steps am still striving to reach that but know will be achieved.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 30 Jun 2008

When I'm stuck in

“When I'm stuck in the office for the day, I like to get up for 5 mins every hour or so and go for a walk around the block. You will be surprised that you can add a couple of thousand steps to you daily total. Bern”
Bernard, Victoria, 18 Jun 2008

Hi, My name is

“Hi, My name is Janette and I am currently 40 (41 in a month). I had my 2nd child 2 days before I turned 39. So I have a nearly 2 yr old and a 17 yr old. I've found it difficult to lose weight since my 2nd child and according to my BMI I am overweight. I work in an office so don't do too much through the day. Although, just walking around the house getting ready in the mornings I do 700 steps and by the time I get to work after dropping children off I've done 1700 steps. It's fun to check it all out. I have a treadmill at home and a small gym area with free weights etc. On the days I do 30 mins on treadmill and some weights and add that to my daily steps it adds up to 10,000 easily and may go over. When I don't do that it is quite difficult to get the 10,000 steps although I've worked out if I go for even a small walk at lunch time it helps greatly. I've enjoyed working out what exactly I have to do to get my steps up and feel so much better for it. Sometimes I go the long way around the office to get to other areas I need to so that helps too. Happy Stepping.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 18 Jun 2008

I walk to work,

“I walk to work, I walk to the supermarket, when I go to the footy at every break I go for a walk! I hardly sit still and I feel much better for it. Where there is a will there is a way! ”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 18 Jun 2008

WOW Jayne! That's a

“WOW Jayne! That's a tricky you have breaks when at work? If you do, could you spend some of your break walking in a hospital court yard or around the block (or even in the tea room walking on the spot). I find it difficult at work because I work in an office so when I get home I do steps while watching TV or talking on the phone (I put it on speaker and rest it on a high bench). Not sure if any of this helps but I thought I'd try. Good luck - cheers M. Stehn Vic.”
Anonymous, Victoria, 17 Jun 2008

Hi my name is

“Hi my name is Jayne, and I turn 48 next week. I had my 2nd child at 44 years of age and have found it difficult to lose the weight and to get fit enough to keep up with 2 very active children. I work as a nurse in a coronary intensive care ward, and all too often see young people in thier 30's who have had coronary's and had to change their lifestyles. It was enough to motivate me to change my lifestyle, as I want to be around for my beautiful children. I am lucky enough to live in a beautiful part of the world, and I go for my walks as often as i can on the beach.(I see whales and dolphins, koalas and goannas). It is my time, and not only is it great physically but it is relaxing and I know my stress levels are reduced greatly. I do have one problem, and that is to do 12 hour shifts and if I have a ventilated patient I do as little as 100 steps for a day, and with family committments I am unable to do any extra on that particular day. My average steps are 9,816 which is made up on the days I don't work. Has anyone got any ideas to help me increase my steps? Love to hear from you. Jayne”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 14 Jun 2008

Since starting the 10000

“Since starting the 10000 steps home page i have loved being able to see just how many steps i do each day and i love trying to beat it everyday. I find extra ways to add more steps or physical activity in the smallest ways. In the morning instead of putting on the tv i put on my fav dance cd and find myself dancing through breakfast to the bathroom and then out the door. Who said this couldn't be fun?? ”
Anonymous, Western Australia, 5 Jun 2008

Well May should have

“Well May should have been a good month being my birth month and all, but fate stepped in, my dad has cancer, I lost my stepper and my motivation in there somewhere. I hope that June can be a turn around both for dad and me!!!! Well all, here is to health, life and the future!!!! Keep on stepping!!!! Kath”
Anonymous, Victoria, 5 Jun 2008

GO SARAH !!! You

“GO SARAH !!! You make me feel like going out there and walking up a storm right now! (George)”
Anonymous, Victoria, 5 Jun 2008

Hi, my name is

“Hi, my name is Sarah and I have decided that enough is enough! I am here to make permanent changes to my lifestyle and I am combining the 10,000 step challenge with a health eating program from Weight Watchers. I have twenty kilos to lose and I am determined to move the weight by this Christmas. I have set myself a goal of no less than 10,000 steps a day and I am intent on remaining committed to myself and my goal. Come rain, hail or shine I will be pounding the pavement (or treadmill) and I look forward to this virtual journey with the rest of you. ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 3 Jun 2008

Well when I first

“Well when I first started walking I wasn't at all excited about it, getting up in the mornings and eating healthy, but once one of my friends started to do it I was happy to do it with someone and I just love it. I do it every morning and I just enjoy waking up and going for a walk it makes my day feel relaxed and I just love going to work as soon as I finish!”
Anonymous, Queensland, 21 May 2008

Hello to an amazing

“Hello to an amazing number of happy steppers. I'm a mother of 4 teens in rural NSW and got my pedometer last week. I'm currently off work caring for my terminally ill brother in his final stages of life. Walking keeps me looking forward and not dwelling on illness and fit to care. The pedometer has spurred me on to stay active all day not retreat to bed when I feel overwhelmed. Housework adds steadily to the total, so there's a reason to keep doing it all day!”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 18 May 2008

Hello to everyone!

“Hello to everyone! I joined this wonderful site about 3 weeks ago along with my 3 children. I wanted to encourage and teach them life long healthy habits and this has been a great motivator for us all as we track our steps & activities! Being in Canada, we are starting to enjoy the spring/summer weather and I look forward to many outdoor adventures this year!”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 16 May 2008

Hello fellow steppers!-I arrived

“Hello fellow steppers! I arrived here from NZ 3 weeks ago (don't hold that against me - I'm originally from Scotland!!) to join my partner who has been working here for just over a year. I left my job after teaching for 20 years, my 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren, my other family members and all my wonderful friends. On Sunday I found out about this programme after visiting the Botanical Gardens. I got a pedometer on Tuesday and off I went yesterday. I did an amazing 10788 steps (mainly because I got very lost!!) I feel I now have some new "friends" already after reading others' stories. What a great programme this is. Regards Jacqueline”
Anonymous, Queensland, 14 May 2008

Hi fellow steppers-I joined

“Hi fellow steppers I joined the 10,000 step challenge seven weeks ago when I sold the car to force me to walk. I am loving the exercise, have saved money, have met people on the train, have read five books, have lost more weight than 12 months at the gym and generally feel a whole lot better. Kate... Blue Mountains ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 7 May 2008

I started counting my

“I started counting my steps in August 2007. I was feeling down dealing with my husbands health problems (cancer twice in 12mths.) Not only did I start feeling much better but I lost weight as well. My husband got well and for some reason I stopped wearing my pedometer. Today is my first day back. Thanks to all who share their stories, you are what have inspired me to get back on track. Jean ”
Jean, Queensland, 4 May 2008

I am 21 and

“I am 21 and today is day 24 of walking for me with my pedometor. So far not counting today's steps I have walked 225,608 steps. It says I am averaging 16,115 steps a day ... I do walk a bit but I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing 10,000 a day... I am going to try and beat each weeks steps even if it's by only ONE step :) My mum is my walking buddy she only started here 2 days ago. Lisa”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 27 Apr 2008

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