A pedometer is a portable, user friendly device that counts your steps by detecting motion. As well as proven to be effective for personal use, Universities and Research Clinics commonly use pedometers for activity monitoring due to their simple yet accurate method of counting steps.

Why use a pedometer?
Research has shown that people who track their steps have higher physical activity levels. Tracking steps helps you become aware of how much you are moving every day and can be a powerful motivator, allowing you to set goals to work toward, and monitor your progress.
To find out more about how pedometers function, view our article on Counting Your Steps.
Which pedometer?
10,000 Steps recommends our 10,000 Steps 3D USB Activity Tracker (With Rechargeable Battery), as well as Yamax branded pedometers, for their accuracy and validity in counting steps.
The 10,000 Steps 3D USB Activity Tracker (pictured below) is an accurate and easy to use pedometer which monitors your daily steps and can be worn inside your pocket; around your neck with a lanyard; or on your waist with the waist clip.

“I don't wear a watch and don't always have my phone on me - especially when walking around work. The 10,000 Steps 3D Pedometer easily clips onto my waist band or slips around my neck on its lanyard if I'm wearing a dress or clothing that doesn't allow that. The battery lasts a long time between charges.”
Where to buy?
Individual purchases can be made online using the links below. Sales are looked after by our partner Health Management Group who can also help you find which 10,000 Steps Pedometer will be most suited to your budget and requirements. A percentage of all sales come back to support the delivery of the 10,000 Steps program.
Health Management Group offers special bulk pricing for Workplaces and 10,000 Steps Coordinators.
For all 10,000 Steps Pedometer & Merchandise Quotes please contact Health Management Group on:
T: 1800 000 180

10,000 Steps 3D USB Activity Tracker
With Rechargeable Battery

Yamax AW-002 Activity Tracker
With Wrist Heart Rate

Yamax MP100 Basic Pedometer
With alligator clip

Manually log your daily physical activity using our handy 10,000 Steps Logbook or Personal Step Log. The 10,000 Steps Logbook print version (A6 size) comes with 6 Weeks of Step Logs as well as Activity Tips and Guides, and is also available for purchase from Health Management Group. All pedometers listed on Health Management Group's 10,000 Steps Activity Trackers & Merchandise page come with a 10,000 Steps Logbook included. Or download a FREE copy to print yourself below!

Counting Your Steps

Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines
The Australian Government have developed physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines for all age groups and for pregnancy. These highlight how much physical activity you should do to gain health benefits.