
South Australia's 2024 Billion Steps Challenge

The Challenge starts November 1

Preventive Health SA and 10,000 Steps invite you to step up to the fifth-annual Billion Steps Challenge this November. South Australia’s Billion Steps Challenge starts on Friday, November 1 and will be completed once the goal of one billion steps is reached. We challenge you to step up to the Challenge by tracking your steps and moving more than ever before!

From South Australia? Join us in reaching our 1,000,000,000 steps goal!

Login or Sign Up

Challenge starting November 1st

Step up to the Challenge

Every step is beneficial to your physical, social, and mental health. Finding more ways to move each day is a simple step towards better health and wellbeing. You can join the Billion Steps Challenge individually or as a part of a workplace or community group. No matter how you choose to participate, you will be stepping alongside the rest of South Australia helping to create a healthier, more active workplace and community.

Join as an Individual

If you want to take part in the Billion Steps Challenge on your own and are not associated with a workplace or community group, you can join as an individual:

  • Sign Up or Sign In to your 10,000 Steps account
  • Download our FREE mobile app from the App Store or Play Store
  • Connect your tracker to sync your steps
  • Join our November Challenge
  • Start stepping and syncing your steps from November 1

Your steps and activity will automatically contribute to the state total, keep track of the Leaderboard for progress updates!

Join as a Team Member

If your workplace or community group is running a Tournament during the Billion Steps Challenge, you will be taking part in the Challenge as a team member:

  • Ensure you have registered (preferably with your organisational email address)
  • Your Coordinator will send out a team invite code or add you using your email address
  • Follow your Coordinators instructions and enter your Invite Code
  • Download our FREE mobile app from the App Store or Play Store
  • Connect your tracker to sync your steps
  • Keep your steps up to date and encourage your team members to move!

Take a look at our Tournament Guide for Participants for more information.

Join as a Coordinator

If you would like to encourage your organisation motivated to move, then start a 10,000 Steps team Tournament during the Billion Steps Challenge. Boost physical activity within your organisation, improve social connections and create a fun atmosphere by setting up a Tournament, organising teams and encouraging your colleagues to make active choices throughout their day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I use to track my steps?

You can use any type of activity tracker that you have to track your steps. This could be an internal smart phone pedometer, a step counting app or any other type of wrist or hip worn device which counts steps. You can enter steps from any device which you have used to count your steps on either the website or app Dashboard.

How can I sync my steps?

Use the 10,000 Steps mobile app for iOS or Android devices to sync your steps through Apple Health or Health Connect. Third party devices can also be connected via Apple Health and Health Connect. Find out more with can I sync my step tracking device?

How can I track other activities?

Every minute of activity counts, whether you are a wheelchair user or like to swim, cycle and run. Simply using the moderate and/or vigorous intensity sections in the Dashboard on the web or app to add the time in minutes of your activity. An estimated step count will be calculated based on your entered activity and added to your step total for the day.

10,000 Steps App

Start stepping towards a healthier, happier you by downloading our FREE 10,000 Steps app.

  • Add steps and minutes of activity
  • Sync steps from Apple Health and Health Connect
  • See progress towards your daily goal
  • View your steps graphs and statistics
  • Connect with friends and family
  • Join monthly step Challenges
  • Take part in team Tournaments
  • Create personalised reminders
  • Read evidence-based articles