10,000 Steps Challenges are virtual interactive tools for individuals, friends, communities and workplaces to promote and enhance their health and wellbeing through physical activity.
10,000 Steps Accounts, Step Logs, and Challenges
At the core of all 10,000 Steps Challenges is your Account and your Step Log.
Your Account
Create and verify an account with 10,000 Steps. You might already have one, if you’ve used 10,000 Steps in the past.
You can keep your Step Log history together if you update your existing account with a new email.
Your account is your own - if you move jobs, take it with you!
If you are joining 10,000 Steps to organise other people, create your account the same as if you were joining to participate (use your own email).
Your Step Log
Your Step Log is where your step data is stored. Your Step Log contains the steps that are transferred to all other activities on 10,000 Steps.
10,000 Steps can sync steps to your Step Log from some devices, or you can directly manage your Step Log. You only need to log your steps once per day, regardless of how many Challenge types you’re involved in.
If you are using 10,000 Steps to organise other people, your personal Step Log may not seem very important. We highly encourage using it!
Logging your steps can assist you to understand 10,000 Steps, and your participant's experience. You might find you increase your physical activity!

10,000 Steps Challenge Comparison
Check out a breakdown of 10,000 Steps Challenges in a table with features.
This is also available in a .CSV downloadable format.
This table includes basic information on the types of Challenges available on 10,000 Steps. You only need one Account both participate and organise people to participate in 10,000 Steps Challenges.
How can I participate in 10,000 Steps Challenges?
With your 10,000 Steps Account and your
Step Log, you can participate in any Challenges that you’re eligible to enter.
Depending on the Challenge type, you can join directly, or be added to a Challenge.
Looking for a specific existing Challenge?

Personal Step Challenge
All 10,000 Steps members can set their own personal step goals.

Monthly Challenges
All 10,000 Steps members can join the Monthly Challenges.

Annual Leaderboard
All 10,000 Steps members can join the Annual Leaderboard.

Friends Leaderboard
All 10,000 Steps members can add Friends.

Group Challenges
All 10,000 Steps members can lead or join Group Challenges.

Some 10,000 Steps members can join, and some are added to Tournaments.

Health, State, and Local Challenges
Every Health, State, and Local Challenge is unique. Sometimes members can join directly, sometimes members are added to these Challenges, and sometimes steps from the above Challenges will also accrue towards a Health, State, or Local Challenge. This can include personal steps, through to Monthly Challenges, Group Challenges, and Tournaments.
Check out your specific Health, State, or Local Challenge for information on how to join, and any additional eligibility requirements.
How can I organise people to participate in 10,000 Steps Challenges?
With your 10,000 Steps Account, you can promote pre-organised Challenges, link with existing Challenges, or run your own Challenge.
You can also use your Account to participate in Challenges alongside your colleagues or community.
Already a Coordinator?
Get Started Today With Your 10,000 Steps Account
These options are available to all 10,000 Steps members.

Personal Step Challenge
All 10,000 Steps members can set their own personal step goals.
Coordinators can encourage their staff or community to set personal step goals, track their activity, and become a part of the 10,000 Steps community.
Coordinators will not be able to see steps taken by members who log steps but do not take part in other challenges on 10,000 Steps.

Friends Leaderboard
All 10,000 Steps members can add Friends.
Coordinators can promote Friends as a way to encourage long term engagement or as a way to allow members to track steps for a smaller group than available in other challenges (for example, if members are participating in a large Tournament team or Group).
Coordinators will not be able to see Friends or Friends Leaderboards that they are not part of (that is, unless they are also Friends with the members).

Annual Leaderboard
All 10,000 Steps members can join the Annual Leaderboard.
Coordinators can encourage long term engagement and participation through promoting the Annual Leaderboard.
All 10,000 Steps members, including Coordinators, can view the Annual Leaderboard. Coordinators will not be able to track their staff or community members directly or view members who do not opt-in to be visible on the Annual Leaderboard.

Monthly Challenges
All 10,000 Steps members can join the Monthly Challenges.
Coordinators can promote particular Monthly Challenges to their staff and community, or every month as part of an ongoing encouragement to be physically active.
Coordinators can only see members if they participate in the same Monthly Challenge journey option. Monthly Challenge Leaderboards include all 10,000 Steps members who choose the same journey option, and include a random chance prize for Australian members who complete their journey option.
Monthly Challenges coincide with the dates of Group Challenges, and can be promoted alongside Group Challenges, Tournaments, or Health Challenges as an additional or ongoing participation option.

Group Challenges
All 10,000 Steps members can lead or join Group Challenges.
Coordinators can create a Group for their staff or community, and run Group Challenges during particular months, or every month. Groups exist year-round, and Group Members can view steps for members year-round. Groups have a maximum of 20 members.
Coordinators can also encourage Tournament or Health Challenge participants to create their own Groups if they would like to track smaller teams than are available in a larger Tournament or Health Challenge team. Coordinators can only see Groups if they are also a Group Member in that Group.
Groups are not linked to Tournaments, and do not replace the need to organise registration of Teams if they are promoted alongside Tournaments.

Health, State, and Local Challenges
Every Health, State, and Local Challenge is unique.
Some Health, State or Local Challenges may include Coordinator and community participation options that can be implemented without needing an Organisation registration or Tournament.
This means that Personal Steps, Monthly Challenges, or Group Challenges may also accrue steps towards some types of Health, State or Local Challenges, and that Coordinators can promote these in place of running their own larger Tournament.
However, some Health, State or Local Challenges require Tournaments and Organisation registration to count, or to access certain features.
Check out your specific Health, State, or Local Challenge for information on how to organise participation in your workplace or community.
Upgrade to Coordinator Access by Joining or Registering your Organisation
Coordinators are 10,000 Steps members with access to extra features to assist them with organising their workplaces, community organisations, and regions.

Organisation Registration
Coordinators can be added and removed from existing Organisations, and can create new Organisations.
To get started, login to your existing account, or create and verify your 10,000 Steps Account. Use your own email, not a shared or general inbox.
Once you've verified your account, send us a new Organisation Registration.
Or, ask an existing Coordinator to add you to your Organisation.

Coordinator Hub
Our team will review your Organisation registration. If you're approved, you'll gain access to Coordinator Hub.
Coordinator Hub gives you access to exclusive features support your Organisation. Once you've been approved by our team, check out:

Tournaments and other Strategies
Coordinators will need to part of an active Organisation registration to access Tournament Management and other resources to support the delivery of 10,000 Steps strategies.
Some strategies and resources available in Coordinator Hub include:
- Walkway Signage
- Dog walking Strategy
- Promotional Materials
- Race and Timeout Tournaments
- Action Plans and Partner Links

Health, State, and Local Challenges
Every Health, State, and Local Challenge is unique.
Some Health, State, or Local Challenges require Organisation registration and a Tournament to participate, or to access certain features.
Check out your specific Health, State, or Local Challenge for information on how to join, and any additional eligibility requirements.
You might also be interested in:

10,000 Steps for Workplaces
Information on 10,000 Steps for Workplaces.

10,000 Steps for Communities
Information on 10,000 Steps for Communities.
How to Become a Coordinator in an Existing Organisation
Guide to joining your Organisation.
All 10,000 Steps Support Topics
Our General Support section for all things website and mobile app.