A: There can be a few different reasons 10,000 Steps emails might not appear in your inbox.
1. The email address contains a spelling or punctuation error.
Double check the email address used. Ensure the address, including your name, any full stops, mail server and prefixes have been entered correctly.
2. The email server is slow.
Sometimes the email server can take time to send or receive emails. Confirm you have a stable internet or mobile data connection, and check back in half an hour.
3. Our emails are going to your junk/spam folder.
Search for emails from admin@10000steps.org.au or 10000steps@cqu.edu.au to track down lost emails. Moving our emails out of your junk/spam folder and/or marking us as a Safe Sender can also resolve issues.
4. You have mail rules or preferences that are filtering automatic emails into another mailbox, or blocking them completely.
Depending on your mail application, these may be called Rules or Filters. Remove any mail rules that might be impacting delivery of our automated emails, and check your inbox or resend the email.
5. You're using a workplace or organisational email address.
If you are using an organisation or work email, many email settings may be controlled by your IT department. 10,000 Steps has no control over the delivery of emails that are being filtered by your organisation. Please contact your IT department to whitelist and release your 10,000 Steps emails.
6. Your email inbox is too full or not able to receive new emails.
Many email services have storage or service limits for their inboxes. If the inbox reaches its maximum storage capacity, it can no longer receive new emails. Delete or archive older emails, and check your trash or spam folders for emails that can be permanently deleted.
Things to keep in mind:
New Verification Emails
You can trigger a new account verification email at any time by logging in with your existing account and password.
Verification emails can sometimes be "pre-opened" by organisation security, leading to an error that the code already being used. Try using mobile data or home wifi to send and open a new account verification.
If you've sent through a deactivation or deletion request, you won't receive new verification emails, or they will display an error. To reactivate, use the Reactivation option in Contact Us.
New Password Resets
If you account is not yet verified, you will not be able to reset your password, or view your step challenges.
Once verified, you can trigger a new password reset at any time using our Forgot Password page. If you receive multiple, please use the most recent password reset link.
Account Deactivations
If you have deactivated your account, you will need to reactivate to reset your password, verify your account, or log in.
Use the Reactivation option in Contact Us. Reactivations can take 7 days.
Account Deletions
If you have sent an account deletion request through the mobile app or website, you will not be able to re-use an email address until all data is anonymised or removed.
Please allow up to 7 days for Account Deletions to free your email address for use in a new account. Alternatively, use the Reactivation option in Contact Us.