Monthly Challenges - Promotional Toolkits

On This Page:

What are Monthly Challenges?

Our public Monthly Challenges are a great way for individuals to monitor their activity levels while working towards reaching a monthly goal.  Monthly Challenges are free to join, are open to all members, and are run by 10,000 Steps.

Download the Monthly Challenge Toolkits

Each monthly promotional toolkit has specific information about each Month's Challenge, including:

  • A4 PDF flyer for physical printing or online sharing
  • Square PNG images that can be used on social media or in your internal communications

If you need images in different size, some extra information, or have an idea on how we can help you share our Monthly Challenges, please Contact Support.

2024 General Monthly Challenge Toolkit
Generalised (no specific month) promotional PDF flyer for our Monthly Challenges. This can be used year-round.
2025 March Monthly Challenge Toolkit
In this zip file you will find: Four .PNG images and an A4 or A3 printable PDF poster/flyer for this month's challenge.
2025 April Monthly Challenge Toolkit
In this zip file you will find: WalkFest Stakeholder Toolkit along with A4 printable PDF poster, email signature footer and social media assets for this month's challenge.

Are Monthly Challenges Right for My Organisation?

Our Monthly Challenges are available to all 10,000 Steps members with four journeys each month, and four public leaderboards. These Challenges are individual (no teams), and are available to all 10,000 Steps members.

Organisations are welcome to share Monthly Challenges as a way to promote physical activity within their workplace or community group. Sharing and displaying Monthly Challenges is a way to encourage staff and community to monitor their activity levels, with minimal administration.

Subject to our prize T&Cs, all members who complete our public Monthly Challenges go into a prize draw each month.

What if I'm running a Tournament?

Organisations running team Tournaments are also encouraged to promote Monthly Challenges in the weeks before a tournament launch to help participants to become familiar with logging their steps on 10,000 Steps.

Coordinators are also encouraged to promote Monthly Challenges at the conclusion of team Tournaments to offer your participants a continuing option to keep moving and logging their steps.

You are welcome to include our Monthly Challenges in your newsletters, staff blasts, electronic direct messages, or social media. Our Monthly Challenges Toolkits are downloadable folders with promotional material to help you promote Monthly Challenges with your workplace and community.

Links to get involved

Ideas and Examples for Newsletters or Social Posts

How many steps have you done today?

The 10,000 Steps program encourages you to become aware of how much you are moving by tracking your daily steps. Once you are tracking your steps, set yourself achievable goals and choose to make moving more a part of your every day. Whether it's doing a doing a lap around the block at lunchtime or while the kids train for sport, or parking your car at the opposite end of the shopping centre, look for opportunities to sneak in some extra steps to help hit your goals!

Make every move count with 10,000 Steps!

Sign up or login to the 10,000 Steps website and track your steps to help keep motivated to reach your daily goal. Every member who challenges themselves to complete a new virtual walking journey every month will go in the draw to win a pair of Asics shoes or Garmin activity tracker! 

Finished a team Tournament? Keep tracking your steps and challenge yourself to the next 10,000 Steps virtual journey!

Have you just finished a team tournament, but found tracking your steps kept you motivated to make active choices? Got more energy, head feel clearer and have you been enjoying stepping away from your computer to get some fresh air and maybe even catch up with a workmate? Keep smashing your goals and choose from one of four virtual Challenge journeys every month. Whether you are walking, wheeling, dancing or skipping - every move counts and every Challenge completed gives you a chance to win great prizes!

Social Media

We encourage you to add your local or personalized touch to the messages to help connect with your audiences.

10,000 Steps has a presence on multiple social media platforms and we welcome you and your organisation to share any of our content and tag our pages in your posts to allow others to benefit from the messages we share.

10,000 Steps social media:

Facebook: @10000Steps.1   Instagram: @10000Steps_   Twitter: @10000Steps_    LinkedIn: 10000steps

Here are some ideas for hashtags: 

#10000steps #EveryStepCounts #EveryMoveCounts #BoostYourHealthy

#MoveMore #PhysicalActivity #Walking #ActiveCommunities #ActiveWorkplaces #HealthWellbeing #HealthierHappier #WeWalkQLD #WeWalkSA #StepChallenge #MonthlyChallenge #WalkingChallenge #PhysicalActivityChallenge

We have more Social Media templates available in to our Coordinators in the Resources Section. If your organisation does not currently have a Coordinator, sign up for free or Contact Support to find out more.  

Join Monthly Challenges

Start stepping to reach your monthly goal
Join a Monthly Challenge now