Activating an Invite Code will add you into an existing Group or Tournament Team.
To create an Invite Code, please see:
Activating an Invite Code
1. Login to the 10,000 Steps app

2. Tap the ☰ menu in the top right corner

3. Tap Activate Invite Code

4. Enter your Invite Code
If there are dashes or other symbols, include these in your code.

5. Confirm your are joining the correct Group or Tournament Team
If you join the wrong Group or Team, reach out to your Group Leader or Team Captain.

6. Once confirmed, tap Activate, and navigate to your Group or Tournament Team.
Tap Community > Groups, or Tournaments > Upcoming/Current to view your Groups or Tournaments.

You might also be interested in:

Groups and Group Challenges
Guides to Groups on 10,000 Steps.

Race and Timeout Tournaments
Information about Tournaments on 10,000 Steps

Tournament Support for Team Members
Guides to Tournaments for Team Members.

Tournament Support for Team Captains
Guides to Tournaments for Team Captains.